Tuesday, August 3, 2010

How do you catch a 27 lb leash free corgi?

Pray that he's not lathered with butter throw yourself at him and do an arm bar. I'm just kidding! Seriously though, the key here is not to show or give off angry vibes. Newton somehow, accidentally unlatched his leash while rolling around on the grass. Ron noticed he got loose and now we realized how the heck are we going to catch him? Treats didn't work and it didn't help that Newton didn't allow us to get close to him. He knew we were trying to catch him dang it! I noticed Ron's temper was getting the best of him so it was up to me to catch him. So I took a treat calmly called out his name and once he was close enough I grabbed the nape of his neck and pushed him to the ground. Newton was heavily breathing and I came out with grass burn. Success! After we both got up and he calmed down, I gave Newton his treat. I'm glad he wasn't lathered with butter.

Don't try this at home! (CREDIT: dragonsmma.com)

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