Wednesday, August 25, 2010

He cries pigeon not wolf.

I will take total responsibility for teaching Newton not to like birds.  Specifically pigeons.  Our neighborhood is a fairly new neighborhood in a suburban area.  Suburbia almost always attracts pigeons and seeing them in the skyline, or on the street for that matter, is a common sight to see.  Personally, I hate pigeons for what they do to our house.  They do their business on our houses and streets, roost in crevices on our roofs and toilet on our driveways.  I guess it's mostly their feces that I hate the most and the unsanitary gloom that they leave behind.  So whenever I see one or many near our house I try to shoo them away.

And this is where Newton comes in.

Aroooo rooo!
He notes the reaction I have towards pigeons.  He notes that I shoo them away or occasionally (don't tell the neighbors) throw rocks at them. Newton knows momma does not like pigeons.  So how does he react?  He barks and roos at them, quite angrily from what I can tell.  He absolutely hates them.  I love how he reacts, but of course being the good dog mom I don't encourage him.  It can get a little out of hand when he sees a pigeon while taking one of our daily walks.  I ignore his reaction to the pigeon when we are out walking which is probably the best thing I can do.  You can bark at pigeons near our house but don't bark at them while out on walks.  I don't think he knows that distinction or ever will.  Sometimes when I want his attention I say "Where's the bird Newton?"  I suppose I should change the word 'bird' to 'pigeon' or stop provoking him in this way.

It amazes me how much Newton looks to me or Ron for reaction and body language.  How does this person react to new item A?  Does this person act happy or hostile towards item A?  If person reacts happy or hostile towards item A I will act the same way!  I have to be very careful with how I react to things when Newton is around.  I have come to realize that awareness of oneself is very important.  How should I react when the doorbell rings?  Or what should I do when I hear a loud noise or see a pigeon?  Newton almost mimics that.  It's amazing how in tuned he is to the people around him, to me.

See the pigeon on the neighbor's roof?

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