Thursday, September 2, 2010

No licking!

Uh oh.  Newton has licked a small spot on his right paw.  I don't know if you can see it very well in the photo but there is a spot on his paw that is lacking a little fur.  I think he may have allergies or a bug bit him.  I almost brought him to the vet to have this checked out but I didn't feel like spending more than $30 on it.  A couple of googled queries later I decided to make a trip to the local pet store and see what they may have for hot spots/itch relief.

See the little mark on his right paw?
I found Vet's Best Natural Formula Hot Spot Spray.  And so far it works.  I haven't caught him licking it up and he doesn't seem to mind when I spray his paw.  He just tilts his head in a "Eh" position wondering what the spray noise means.  I've read mixed reviews about tea tree oil on pets and so far Newton hasn't had any adverse reactions to it.  I'll post pictures of his progress.


  1. We sure hope Newton foot feels better soon. Maybe a Spider bite? Have a Wonderful Day.
    Your Friends

  2. Aw thanks. Wow so many of yous! Awesome.
