Sunday, December 26, 2010

12 Days of Bubba Blue!

Bubba has been with us for 10 days now and it has been a fun filled experience with another dog in the house.  He will be going home soon; his parents are on a holiday vacation.

Bubba is a 11 year old poodle mix.  An older dog which took us and Newton some time to get used to.  He is a puppy at heart but has his "old man" quirks.

Since Newton is an "only child" he doesn't know how to share.  Feeding time is a process having to keep Newton away from slow eater Bubba.  He takes his time chewing, from what I can tell, only taking in one to two kibble bits at a time.  Newton on the other hand devours his bowl of food in less than two minutes.  When Newton is done he wants to see and eat whatever it is Bubba is eating, hence the keep away game.  Keep Newton away from Bubba's bowl.  If we didn't do this we believe Bubba would go hungry.

Doc the black and grey miniature schnauzer also graced us with his presence.  He is the nemesis of Bubba.  Bubba did not like him around, a normal dominance reaction.  Newton on the other hand took a liking to Doc being quite submissive around him.  Bubba would not have it but eventually they all became best friends after an hour at the dog park.

After having all these dogs at home, I'm still not sure if I want to get another dog.  Dog sitting isn't so bad because eventually the other dog goes home.  It's like bringing a piece of the dog park to Newton and I'm sure he loves it.

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